Early Childhood Education of the 21st Century Smack Dab in Bonita Springs
Discovery Day Academy in Bonita Springs is getting a makeover.
According to the Naples Daily News, it has selected Wilson Creative Group, a full-service marketing and advertising agency in Naples, to lead a new branding campaign for the independent school.
The independent school was founded in 2006 for early learning research and early childhood education. Discovery Day’s children participate in meaningful learning through project work, according to the article. Children are exposed to the learning process in a setting that promotes deep knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration, resulting in the ability to transfer knowledge and problem solve.
Early childhood education is beginning to take a national focus.
According to Discovery Day’s website, economists, researchers and government officials are formally recognizing the field of early learning as crucial to the future of our country’s education system and the broader economy.
“We see our role as larger than preparing our students for school readiness, within a rapidly evolving education system, as we aim to serve as a model and resource for the early learning profession. Ensuring improved quality, accountability and competence in the field of early learning is a primary focus of our staff,” taken from the school’s website. “The window of learning opportunity is greatest from birth to age five; therefore we position ourselves as a school of early learning.”
Since the school’s establishment, it has grown to include three campuses in Bonita Springs and Clewiston.
Brand Update is Vague. What Does that Mean?
The brand update consists of collateral, a new logo, website and other marketing materials.
Discovery Day is about to undergo substantial growth. The school currently provides early learning programs for infants through kindergarten, but they plan on adding first grade into the 2014-2015 mix.
Discovery Day’s new 21st century campus is projected to open in Bonita Springs in 2015 and will include programs through fifth grade.
“As a former primary school teacher, educational researcher and Head of School, I have always hired professional teachers that have an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for education,” said founder and Head of School Elizabeth Garcia. “Extension beyond kindergarten is a natural and necessary transition for our school. We selected WCG based on their ability to bring our innovative philosophy to life.”